Friday, June 15, 2007

Angie Cary

Hello! My name is Angie Cary and I teach 5th grade at the Charter School of Morgan Hill. The charter is based on Project Based Learning. I believe technology is an integral part of this process which is why I am really looking forward to EWYL. I just completed my first year of teaching… I survived, better than I expected… and I am looking forward to doing everything different next year! I look forward to meeting you all after my visits to Alaska, Canada, Boston, and DC in the next 3 weeks. My first video (edited with iMovie) explains about my growth as a young teacher: I look forward to meeting you all!

This is a picture I took while visiting a stilt village in Ghana. They had no running water, no sewage system, and of course no electricity... Favorite community past time: watching a small black and white TV run off an old car battery. Ah... the things we do for technology!


Rushton said...

Great video!

I'm looking forward to learning more about your charter school. I worked with a set of charters in San Antonio, Texas (go Spurs!), before moving back to the Bay Area in 2005.

See you at EWYL!

Jenni said...

I love the photo that you took of the three children. It is beautiful.

Jenni said...

PS: Do you know Joy Moody? I used to teach with her in Morgan Hill many moons ago and when I left, she was teaching kindergarten at the charter school in Morgan Hill.

Sarah Cullom said...

I loved your video! I did i-movie with my 4th graders this year and they loved it. I've never made a personal one for myself, but yours really inspired me!

It'll be fun to chat in a couple weeks!

Clark said...

I teach P-K ~ 5th grade technology and I'm always looking for new teaching ideas, strategies and curriculum. Since you teach 5th grade, perhaps you would be interested in exchanging lesson plans. Having been a tech teacher for 3+ years, I can share some of the fun, technology-rich lesson plans I've used with my 5th grade students, and would love to hear about your curriculum. See you soon at the KCI! - Barney

catherine Baron said...

Dear Angie,

I also enjoyed your video and your sense of humor. I have never climbed half dome but I love Yosemite park.

Catherine Baron