Saturday, June 2, 2007

Debbie Eitner

Hi, I'm Debbie and I just finished my first "formal" year of teaching by completing my internship, finished my masters and my tech certification. I'll receive my preliminary credential this summer. While this is my first full year of teaching in public school, Monroe Middle School, in San Jose, this is my 10th year of teaching. I was a 6th grade Math/Science teacher for 7 years at a private school, an EETT Math Coach (computers and math) for a year and 2 years of subbing in public school.

I used this picture, which I use on my website - no wrinkles, and I look so much thinner! My family is beginning to grow up and out. I have 3 children, 23, 21, and 18. One has already moved out and my husband and I are beginning to experience the joy (oops, sorrow) of the empty nest - we celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year too.

I'm excited about my job next year as Technology Coordinator at my middle school and I will be teaching Advanced Tech, tech exploratory classes and 7th grade history. I am looking forward to learning new tools, techniques and of course stealing as many great ideas as I can from all of you! I love to collaborate and don't worry - I'm an idea person too, so I'd love to share. I am also grateful that I can partner with my "twin geek" Carrie as we work on our project that will involve collaboration of our students next year - we're off to NECC in Atlanta at the end of June to get some great ideas! Can't wait to meet all of you!


Clint Johns said...

Hey Debbie,

I'm the technology coordinator for my school - finishing up my first year of it, to be a little more accurate; we shoudl get together and exchange ideas seeing as how we teach different grade levels - could be fun :)

Chris Heumann said...

Welcome to the program, Debbie. We should get a cartoon artist to come to the KCI during the summer to do sketches like yours for all of us -- very cool!

Rushton said...

Hi Debbie,

I'll post this comment on your buddy's piece as well. When will you get to Atlanta? I'm presenting on Monday and will attend the EduBlogger gig on Saturday. We should get an EWYL group going while there!

See you soon!

anne said...

I LOVE your pic! What a good idea. I've always wanted to do that at a little festival...I love Chris' idea for a sketch artist to come during the summer. I'd really like to talk to you about the NECC conference - I've never been. Have a great time! Anne

Mrs. Caramagno said...

Hey Debbie!

I'd love to help you put a costume together! We'll talk in July!
