Thursday, June 28, 2007

Scott Forbes

'Am looking forward to beginning the EWYL program. I've been something of a hermit since the school year ended. I just received a job offer from a new district. I'm a science teacher and the new district wants me to teach both science and math so I've signed up to take the CSET in math this summer. I've been pouring over my old math books and hoping that I'd remember some trig and things about polynomials ... yikes; I feel like I'm back in college.
The main difference is that I now have a four year old ... so when I'm not hitting the old precalculus books I'm sitting down to a tea party with her and some stuffed bears.
'Hope everyone has been enjoying their summer so far. I posted a link to my website in my profile. It is a pretty basic site but it kept parents informed during the school year.

Take care all and see you in a few weeks.


1 comment:

Chris Heumann said...

Sounds like you are busy! Great combination, though... tea parties and trinomials. Hopefully the EWYL sessions will be informative and recharging for you.