Hello there EWYL teachers for the 2007-2008 program! I'm excited that you are able to participate in our program and anxious to meet each of you in person. You will learn to use many tools during the institute, some of which we hope you will integrate into your teaching . For starters, we would like you to use Blogger as a way to introduce ourselves to each other before the institute starts. Please add a post of your own to this blog (click on "New Post" in the upper right) telling a bit about yourself, and be sure to add a picture. As more introductions are posted, please read a few and then add a comment to another person's introduction with whom you might share an interest. I'm sure that this will make it even more fun to meet in person on July 9th here at the KCI.
Oh you are sooo not the only one! I'm in that boat right beside you!
-Dana = )
Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!
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