Sunday, July 8, 2007

Donna Taylor

Hi Everyone,

My name is Donna and I am one of the facilitators for the middle school group at this year's institute. I have 25 years experience in teaching middle school Technology, Science, Health and Skills for Adolescence. I also have worked with students on the Graham Middle School yearbook and as a Student Activities coordinator. I retired 2 years ago this month, and work part-time at KCI as a college instructor and as a member of the KCI staff doing whatever needs to be done. I have been fortunate enough be part of the KCI vision since it began, and actually worked with Gay when she first conceived of the idea for a state-of-art professional development center where teachers are treated like the professionals they are. As you can see from the pictures above, I am also taking advantage of my semi-retirement to spend time with my family, including my 3 beautiful and billiant (if I do say so myself) granddaughters . I am looking forward to opening day tomorrow and to a year of working with all of you on your projects and further professional growth. See you there!


Chris Heumann said...

'Bout time, jeez. Great post too! You are great at this EWYL stuff and I'm so glad we get to work together always.

Dana said...

Hi Donna-

I am so excited to see you! It has been a long time! We miss you at Graham!


Anonymous said...

It's such a pleasure to be able to learn from you again. You really inspired me to do more with Apple's tools. See you soon!

kindarana said...

Wow, Skills for Adolescence! I haven't heard of that since I went through it in middle school. All I remember was that we were supposed to nod to the speaker to show we were understanding what they were saying. So then on the day we had girls in one room and boys in one room, our teacher said, "Well, now, some of you have started menstruation...." and my best friend starts nodding with the speaker!